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Micro Crampons - ICEGRIPPER Tests 3 Micro Crampons

Micro Crampons - ICEGRIPPER Tests 3 Micro Crampons

Mountain Walking using Micro Crampons by ICEGRIPPER

There are a number of products on the market, which winter walkers, trekkers and hikers use in addition to ‘full blown’ technical crampons.

Micro Crampons’ as they have become known have a number of benefits:

  • They do not require technical boots
  • Quick and easy to put on
  • Lightweight
  • Take up minimal pack space
  • Can be more suitable than technical crampons in various walking situations.

ICEGRIPPER decided to test 3 of them...

Before launching into ICEGRIPPER’s test, it should be stated that these products are not an alternative to technical crampons when walking at altitude. If you are uncertain as to when they should be used, you can consult with independent organisations such as BMC (British Mountaineering Council )

Many web sites seem to label all ice grips products as 'Micro Crampons'. Be aware! Many ice grips are simply not suitable for use in demanding environments such as the Scottish Highlands, Welsh Mountains and Lake District Hills, because of: standard of construction, basic design relative to the environment and effectiveness. If you are not sure about your choice, feel free to call or email us. We'll give you unbiased information to help you make a decision.

The following comparison test is based on our extensive experience of using Micro Crampons ourselves, having close relationships with manufacturers and receiving anecdotal evidence from our customers over the past 10 years.

We chose 3 products and tested them on various walks, in differing weather conditions – the 3 products are: Kahtoola Microspikes, ICEGRIPPER ACTVspikes and Yaktrax SummitI. Here are our results…






Kahtoola Microspikes from ICEGRIPPERKahtoola Microspikes
Kahtoola was started by Danny Giovale after he fell down a crevasse while walking in the mountains in Italy. He realised there was a gap in the market for non-technical crampons. Kahtoola could be said to have invented the ‘Micro Crampon’ sector.












12 x 1cm heat treated 400 series stainless steel spikes per foot provides security and stability even on glare ice
+ Kahtoola have made a number of technical innovations such as eyelet reinforcements and welded chains, to improve the quality and reliability of their product
+ Lightweight at only 338 g per pair (Medium Size)

- Price? But in this case the Kahtoola brand is worth paying for - a qulity company and quality product

Kahtoola Microspikes are very easy to use and give very good grip on patchy snow, but also on wet boggy ground. The inclusive storage tote sack is ideal for whipping them off and stowing them without messing up your pack. They are very well designed, with a lot of technical R&D input. Kahtoola are also the only company to offer a 2 year manufacturer warranty!





ICEGRIPPER'S own brand Micro Crampon delivers superb performance and traction allowing you to conquer the great outdoors, whatever the winter weather throws at you...Walking winter woodland trails? Hiking lowland hills? Trekking the Alps? Exploring Norwegian Glaciers? Or, just walking the dog on your favourite snow covered tracks? ICEGRIPPER ACTIVspikes provide solid traction on packed snow through to hard glare ice.

+ 13 x 12mm stainless steel spikes (per foot) dig into ice and snow for confidence inspiring traction
+ Eyelet reinforcements prevent ripping, historically often the cause of product failure when being used in demanding conditions
+ Minimal packaging - to reduce unnecessary packaging ICEGRIPPER ACTIVspikes are not boxed, but presented in a re-usable, tough 210D polyester drawstring bag with locking toggle closure.

- Although the cheapest Micro Crampons in the test, it does not have the brand recognition of the other two products

ICEGRIPPER ACTIVspikes were tested in very cold, icy conditions in the French Alps and performed extremely well, giving excellent grip on a variety of terrain. Easy to use and stow when not needed in the inclusive storage bag.




Yaktrax Summit side view showing BOA closure system from ICEGRIPPER
Yaktrax Summit
Adopting design features more commonly seen on snowboard equipment, the Yaktrax Summit is a heavy-duty traction device for any winter hike or backcountry excursion.


+ Boa closure system is a very progressive design feature and liked by our testers
+ The 'chunky' toe fittings and 'snowboard style' heel fitting provides a comfortable, and secure hold onto the footwear
+ Abrasion Resistant Carbon Steel, 10mm spikes provide confident grip on all surfaces 

- Reliability does not seem to match the near $100 price tag. Material choice, construction quality and longevity have been criticised by many reviewers.

Despite the negative reviews, Yaktrax Summit performed well in our tests, providing good traction. The segmented sole plates feel different from the other two products in this test. Not worse or better - just different.

9/10...The Boa closure/tightening system is quite cool!

If you have experience of other Micro Crampon brands and models, we would be pleased to receive your reviews/comments/feedback and would also like to hear suggestions on any products you think we should be stocking? Leave your comments below, email us, or contact us through any of our social media sites, see the links in the footer.

Walk, work, run and play on winter ice and snow with ICEGRIPPER

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