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ICEGRIPPER your OCsystem Experts

ICEGRIPPER your OCsystem Experts

Spring has arrived and with winter behind us, now might be the time to check the OC fittings on your winter snow boots?

Check the OC system fittings on your winter snow boots

Before putting your boots away. Look at the anti slip OC fittings for signs of wear, see if they’re cracked or not sitting correctly in the boot?

If you see any of these problems and need to replace the OC fittings don't worry, because ICEGRIPPER stocks the whole range of OC system fittings, which can easily be ordered in minutes. Best of all we can offer advice and guidance on what sort of fitting you need.

Oc system fittingd from Mammal winter boots

If you’ve owned a pair of winter snow boots with the OC system fitted we won’t have to pursuade you of the benefit of the anti-slip system. It's so quick and easy to flick on and off. Providing seamless transition from walking in snowy and icy condition to indoors. No ice grips to take off or put back on again! So, keeping your OC fitting in the best possible condition ensures your Boots will provide optimal grip on ice and snow next winter.

If you know which replacment fitting you require order directly from our website...

We have an ICEGRIPPER OCsystem Reference Page which lists several manufacturers and boot models with the appropriate fitting. The links take you to the correct fitting model for ordering - it's so easy.

If you're not sure which OC system replacement fitting you need - check out our: Parts and Accessories ICEGRIPPER OCsystem Assistance page.
Just make a note of the information required, then simply use the CHAT button (bottom right of every web page), or CALL US (telephone number, top right of every web page), or EMAIL our OC expert DIRECTLY:


We also sell the very nifty OC Key, ideal for activating your OC fittings on and off. Great for when they're covered in slush, crud or mud (instead of using your fingers, or getting your gloves wet through!).

Walk, work, run and play on winter ice and snow with ICEGRIPPER

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Jerry - August 24, 2023

I purchased my first set of Pajar boots that had the OC system ice grip on them many years ago. I loved them enough to purchase another set just to be used for ice fishing. If you have ever fallen on the ice you should own these grippers!
We deal with 5 to 6 months of icy, snowy and below zero temps every year (in Minnesota). Just getting to work, or going out for an evening of fun, we need ice grips and the OC is so easy to flip up or down and are always with you.
When you reach your destination you just flip them in or out…what a user friendly product. All brands should offer these wonderful fall saving grips. Even my knee replacement doctor ordered these the day he did my first knee replacement at age 67.
After many hours and miles of use I noticed my grips were wearing shorter – yes when you wear them on cement years later they do wear down! So I began the process of seeking out replacements and thanks to Carl and the folks at ICEGRIPPER they fulfilled my needs and followed up on every aspect and got me my product…from London to the USA into the state of Minnesota.
What a great product, easy to install and world quality service from ICEGRIPPER.

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