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Drivers preparing for winter - but few have Ice Grips to hand?

Drivers preparing for winter - but few have Ice Grips to hand?

Drivers are already stocking up with cold weather gear in preparation for winter…

However, according to customer research by an automotive accessories retailer, whilst a quarter said they always carry a blanket and five per cent have an in-car charger to keep the mobile topped up and one in six keeps a bottle of water or a bar of chocolate in the glove compartment - there was little recognition that keeping a pair of ice grips in the car could be vital.

Ice Grips from ICEGRIPPER give you traction to help tackle snow bound and stranded carsICEGRIPPER director Carl Marsh said: "It’s good to see drivers preparing for the unpredictability of winter weather. But leaving ice grips off the list of critical emergency winter auto equipment may be a mistake. I've witnessed first hand how drivers were unable to push snow and ice bound cars out of the way - simply because their winter boots could not get enough traction on the road".

Having a pair of ice grips in the glove box would allow drivers to clear stranded or abandoned cars, help other drivers, put on snow chains, or even walk, if it’s necessary to leave their own cars. ICEGRIPPER supplies products to a number of emergency and rescue services, who would not get in their cars without a pair of ice grips between November and February.

ICEGRIPPER’s Carl Marsh said: "For a very modest sum drivers can be prepared for the worst rather than hope for the best. We have already begun receiving orders from some forward thinking customers, but last year's relatively mild winter may have lulled people into a false sense of security."

ICEGRIPPER has a SPECIAL OFFER section, which features: reduced end of line products, limited range products, clearance items and manufacturer bulk buys. So for a very modest amount, you can buy yourself some cold weather 'insurance'.

Have you ever been stuck in your car in winter? Have you started to prepare for winter driving? We would be pleased to hear your stories and receive your comments and feedback. Email us or contact through our social sites - click on the links at the bottom of the page

Walk, work, run and play on winter ice and snow with ICEGRIPPER

Previous article What's The Cost of a Freezing Cold Winter?

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