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Kids Love Snow

Kids Love Snow

Kids LOVE snow!

Although this article focuses on ice grips for kids, I wanted to explore in more depth why kids love snow..?

Kids in snow by ICEGRIPPERIt seems to be an unquestionable fact that children everywhere want to experience and play in the snow. Many years ago on a trip to Africa, I spoke with kids in Malawi who had never seen snow, but said it would be high up on their wish list to be able to experience it. The excitement and wonder in their eyes when they were asked questions of what they thought it might be like confirmed it!

Many adults dislike the snow because they see it as cold, wet and disruptive. Whereas snow sometimes gives kids extra days off school, which they love! Who of us can’t remember the delight of spending an unexpected day off school because it was closed by winter weather? But there are many more reasons why children are excited at the prospect of being able to play in the snow. We asked some of our kids why they love snow? Here are their answers:

5 Favourite Things about Playing in Snow:

1. Building
You can make stuff with snow! From making snowmen to igloos, kids can take snow and make almost whatever they want. Kids love to be creative and see what they can make.

Snowball fights with ICEGRIPPER2. Snowball Fights
Kids just love to throw things at each other. Usually they get told off for doing so. But snow is different because it’s soft and fluffy. So they can have fun throwing snow at each other without being told off, or getting hurt. Normally receiving a snowball doesn't hurt – even when you get one smack in the face!

3. Large Snowballs & Snowmen
Kids like to get together and see how large a snowball they can make. Fresh, soft, fluffy snow just seems to bring out a community spirit and joint endeavour in kids. We’ve probably all witnessed kids struggling to move giant snowballs, which become too heavy to roll any more. Simple snowball rolling often turns into snowman making – it seems to be a logical progression. Kids love to make snowmen and become emotionally attached to their snowman. Countless parent have witnessed their children sobbing as the carrot nose and twig arms drop off as the snowman melts

4. Sledding
The great thing about a sledge is that you don’t even need a hill. Kids are happy to push and pull their playmates along on slick, compacted snow. What seems like a futile waste of energy to an adult, can keep kids engaged for hours! The real fun though is whizzing down a steep, snow covered hill.

Snow angels with ICEGRIPPER5. Snow Angels, Eating Snow and Other Fun
We all know we shouldn't eat the snow, but most of us have! Kids love to walk around with their tongues out - catching falling flakes after being told to stop eating the snow on the ground by their parents. And show me a kid that will not dive headfirst into a big pile of snow or spend ages lying on their backs making snow angels.

ICEGRIPPER regularly receives enquiries from parents requesting information about ice grips for kids. Here are our suggestions:

Prevention of Slip and Fall Injury...
Based on our testing, ICEGRIPPER generally advise that unless it is particularly icy most kids will not hurt themselves when falling on snowy ground. Kids have a lower centre of gravity than adults and combined with more flexible joints and softer bones means that they fall differently. But some underfoot conditions can be tricky even for kids. Fresh snow on top of frozen, icy ground may make kids unaware of risk. They don't always understand the potential to get injured on underlying ice, which can catch kids out when they may be in full flight…ICEGRIPPER stocks ice grips, which fit Junior size footwear. Check out our SPECIAL OFFER section for reduced price and end of line ice grips, winter boots, socks and gloves, which may be ideal for kids?

More Traction More Fun...
If you've ever had to pull kids around on their sledges in wellingtons, or other boots, without ice grips fitted, you’ll know how tiring it can be. Slipping and sliding uses up a lot of energy! As kids get older they have to pull their own sledges, so they find out for themselves...kitting them out with ice grips gives more traction, which means more fun. A specific option is STABILicers Kids (extra small) fitting (UK) 12.5-2 (EU) 31-34

If your kids are involved in any outdoor sports an adaptable ice grip is ICESPIKE, which can be used on most types of footwear, especially trainers, allowing winter running or training to continue. Because they can be used on all footwear types, they're ideal for both kids and adults. Re-purpose an old pair of wellies and turn them into awesome traction machines? Or give a new lease of life to those old walking boots..?

Whether your kids are playing in the snow in the local park, in the street, or maybe even walking on forest trails, we can supply a variety of products for them and for you! Giving them kit to extend snow play time, will be rewarded by smiles, and laughter. Unsure what you might need, give us a call?

We love to hear your winter stories. Email us, or contact us through any of our social media sites, see the clickable links in the footer below.

Walk, work, run and play on winter ice and snow with ICEGRIPPER

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