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The Man Who Slipped on the ICE - An Internet Sensation

The Man Who Slipped on the ICE - An Internet Sensation

The Man Who Slipped on the ICE - An Internet Sensation!

Winter 2010...and Dublin suffered an unprecedented cold snap. ICEGRIPPER received large numbers of enquiries and orders for ice grips and winter traction products from all across the Irish Republic. Meanwhile an RTE news crew (Irish TV Channel) covering stories about the cold snap and its effects on Dublin caught a guy slipping on ice and crashing to the ground...

This ‘epic’ slip quickly became synonymous with the unusually cold weather suffered across Ireland with temperatures hitting as low -15 C in places. The news clip video was quickly shared on social media and the man: Brendan Ahere became known as ‘Yer man who slipped on the ice’.

How to avoid becoming the next Brendan Ahere...

Don't slip on snow and ice - stay safe with ICEGRIPPERKNOW YOUR SNOW...
Doctors see far more admissions to accident and emergency wards in the days and weeks following a snowfall than on the day itself, according to specialist registrar Dr Rob Galloway. ‘It’s when the snow begins to thaw, then ices over at night when the real problems begin,’ he says. ‘Sometimes people will have become practised and confident at walking on snow, and head out after another snowfall, only to find there is compacted sheet ice underneath, which is lethal.’

Look at nature, and see how the animal world has adapted to adverse conditions and take your lead from the penguin. On slippery, compact snow and ice, take short, careful, flat-footed little steps, spreading your body weight as evenly as possible across the entire surface of your feet. Others might giggle - but if it gets you down that slippery street...alternatively...

Leather soled city shoes, become extremely slippery on compacted snow and ice. Whilst the old faithfuls - wellies - might keep your feet dry, but provide hopeless grip on compacted snow and ice. So invest in some winter snow boots.

A pair of ice grips can slip over your existing shoes as an easy way to give you extra grip in icy conditions. ICEGRIPPER have an amazing range starting from emergency grips, such as Nordic Mini Grip, through to technically advanced micro crampons such as Kahtoola Microspikes

Do you have any other useful tips on walking safely in the snow and on ice? We love to hear your winter stories. Email us, or contact us through any of our social media sites, see the clickable links in the footer below.

Walk, work, run and play on winter ice and snow with ICEGRIPPER

Previous article What's The Cost of a Freezing Cold Winter?

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