07966 191 737
07966 191 737
That's why, since day one we have always made it a priority to provide FREE ADVICE to our customers. We facilitate this by testing products ourselves and to date have tested over 100 ice grips, boots and other winter products.
Over the years we have added to the number of ways customers can interact with us in order to receive the advice they need to make an informed decision on which product is best for their lifestyle and interests...
Since the day ICEGRIPPER started in business we have always displayed our contact number on the top, right hand side of every web page. Customers have told us they like to quickly find this number, without having to dig through lots of web pages. Surely every company should do this, to be transparent and make communication with customers easy? HEY ALEXA! Can you tell Amazon?
Email is a great communication tool for a customer. We live in an increasingly time pressured life and email lets you communicate (words and images) at a suitable and convenient time, from a phone, laptop, PC or tablet. At ICEGRIPPER we make it easy for our customers to email us with a link directly from the home page to the contact page (which contains an email form, our address and telephone number).
Our webchat button is ever present and located on the bottom right hand corner of every web page. Customers tell us they really like this service as it allows them to ask a question whilst looking at a product. It's an immediate and reassuring method of communication. We love it and our customers love it!
If you are a bit more of a DIY kind of customer, but someone who might like an idea, or suggestion, our ICE GRIP FINDER will be right up your street. It's an AI powered assistant (sounds scary? but it's not!). Rather than us try and describe it - just try it out. We think it's great and an increasing amount of customers are using it to their satisfaction.
We pack our product pages with good stuff! Ideal for those customers who might have an idea of what they want. On page videos, multiple photo's, customer reviews, along with product features and application ideas are just some of the information available.
So whatever advice you need and however you like to receive it, we'll provide 5 star service.
Do you find it easy to communicate with us? Is there something you think we should include? We would love to receive your comments and ideas. Email us, or contact us through any of our social media sites, see the clickable links in the footer below.
Walk, work, run and play on winter ice and snow with ICEGRIPPER
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