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Ice Grips for Winter Runners from ICEGRIPPER

Ice Grips for Winter Runners from ICEGRIPPER

Ice Grips for Runners

For those of us who live in regions of the UK, where snow is not predictable year on year, it can be a little intimidating when we suddenly find ourselves faced with a white landscape. But don’t worry ICEGRIPPER has a selection of ice grips for runners…

ICEGRIPPER ice grips for winter runnersFor many people a daily run is as important a part of the daily routine as a cup of coffee! City and Urban dwellers often NEED it as an antidote to stress and hours of sitting at a PC. Disruption caused by snowy and icy weather can easily see it interrupted and as we all know, even after just a week’s lay off, the loss of fitness makes it hard work getting back into the routine again.

So, invest in some ice grips - there are some special benefits to be had from running in snowy and icy weather, other than just keeping up a routine….

  • Putting fresh tracks down on a newly laid blanket of snow is a wonderful feeling. Something skiers have known about for years - and often rave about!
  • The crunch of fresh snow underfoot is a delicious sensation, reminding us of the carefree days of childhood

Winter run with ICEGRIPPER

  • Winter air feels invigorating and challenges you to push a bit harder?
  • Running during snowfall is a treat and getting back to a warm house with your jacket covered in snow creates a sense of adventure and achievement
  • Running on ice is an experience few people achieve…it’s a whole new world!

Convinced? ICEGRIPPER selected and tested our 5 best ice grips for runners and here’s our feedback:

Adds hardly any weight to the legs and provides very good grip on ice and snowy paths. Because it works with your existing trainers or running footwear it's also very adaptable...

Veriga have been making snow chains for Alpine vehicles for decades. They have now applied this expertise to their range of ice grips. However they've also been very innovative with the 'accessories' and these come with a carry case that doubles as a running belt for your water bottle and other bits and pieces.

As the world largest producer and seller of ice grips Yaktrax have a heritage second to none. The 'RUN' heralded a new design incorporating the wound coil grip features on the Yaktrax Walk and Pro, along with embedded cleats to provide a unique grip for winter runners.

Every Kahtoola product is well designed and manufactured. The NANOSPIKE may look basic, but there's some serious technology built into it. An adaptable ice grip which can be used for many situations as well as your winter run.

Nortec have designed a great range of innovative ice grips. All designed and tested in the Alps, often in conjunction with Pro winter athletes. The TRAIL is the second lightest product after ICESPIKE. Designed for a close fit, this product is aimed at serious winter runners.


Whether your run is around the local park, off-road on forest trails, or across the tops of fells, there is something here for everyone. We supply a wide variety of customers from: Park Run officianados to entrants in the Polar Circle Marathon and we've tested all the products ourselves. So, If you are unsure what you might need, give us a call?

Do you have any other useful tips for winter running? We love to hear your winter stories. Email us, or contact us through any of our social media sites, see the clickable links in the footer below. Happy Running!

Walk, work, run and play on winter ice and snow with ICEGRIPPER

Previous article What's The Cost of a Freezing Cold Winter?


Nom W - September 25, 2023

Ace. Feel safe now when out running on the icy pavements…

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